What could be the best thing ever happened to any MTB Freestyle athlete as a performer?

It is when we get a huge training spot, a huge performance arena, and a huge supporting audience.

This entire thing happened to us in IIT Kanpur, when we were there to perform in UDGHOSH 2018 (India’s Largest Sports Fest).

When we reached IIT KANPUR, after resting for nearly 3 hours, we asked our event coordinator to take us to the training spot. When we were on the way to our training spot we thought that we will get same type of training spot as we have experienced from our past events- congested and dusty spots.



But, when we reached there what we saw actually blew our mind- it was an Airstrip where we were going to start our practice session. It is a very big deal for any MTB Freestyle athlete to have a training session on an Airstrip. We had a tremendous training session for around 3 hours.





On the very next day, the day of our performance.

We were all ready to rock the show but on the other side as the performance arena was still a surprise to us that made us feel a bit hesitated.



We entered our arena as we were focused that we are going to rock the show and firstly, we got an amazing response from our huge audience on our entry.





The feeling of performing in front of a huge amount of audience is unexplainable.



We wanted to thank UDGHOSH, IIT KANPUR for having us there and being so supportive.


We practice like we never won and perform like we never lost.


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